All in Culture

LEAF ARBUTHNOT - "Looking for Eliza"

Looking for Eliza is the original title, but we have a certain inclination for the Italian one - which translates Two Cups of Tea at Swinburne Road – because it conveys a more romantic, and "English", geolocation. We talk about it with the author, 31-year-old Leaf Arburhnot, assistant editor of The Week magazine and freelance journalist, whose reviews and articles have been published in magazines such as Vogue, The Sunday Times and The Spectator.

THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM OF TURIN – An interview with Director Christian Greco

With its 10,000 square meters and 40,000 artifacts, the Egyptian Museum of Turin is the second most important in the world after Cairo. Director Christian Greco - an Egyptologist, scholar, and lecturer trained in the Netherlands - tells us about the museum as a work in progress in which antiquities speak to the present and the future, and where written narrative remains of central importance: a narrative made of hieroglyphs which, after millennia, have spoken to us again 200 years ago.

Jeffrey Archer - The art of writing

With works published in 100 countries and more than 51 languages Jeffrey Archer is one of the top 25 fiction authors of all time. His books have sold over 275 million copies worldwide and he is the only author ever to have been a number one bestseller in fiction (nineteen times), short stories (four times) and non-fiction (The Prison Diaries).
To mark the publication of his latest book Next in Line, he tells us about his work, his dreams, and much more.

WORLD REFUGEE DAY - Celebrating with writing and poetry

During our classes, Adele* likes to call me ‘Professor’, and every time this undeserved title makes me smile. I tell her that I’m not a Professor, but rather someone who is just sharing with them her passion for writing. We sit in the room that is also a storage for textile products, and read and make comments on what she and the others have written. Adele is an asylum seeker from Togo. Francois*, who likes to write long and detailed stories, is from Congo. Some students come from Nigeria, Cameroon, and other African countries.

THE TREASURE OF CADIZ – An adventure of the Black Corsair

(Story freely inspired by Emilio Salgari's Black Corsair)

The Black Corsair was a tall, slender man with an elegant bearing. His features were beautiful: a regular nose, two small lips, red like coral, a wide forehead furrowed with a slight wrinkle, which gave his face a melancholy air, and two eyes as black as charcoals with a perfect cut, vivid and animated, surrounded by long and lush lashes.

One day the Corsair arrived in Cadiz, a town located along the southwestern coast of Spain. For some time, in fact, it had been rumoured that a magical treasure was to be found right here…